I’m featured on Nasdaq’s website along with 29 other money experts who discussed ways to improve your relationship with money. My tip? Improve your credit score—by using your credit score. Regularly get your credit report and start tackling any debts or other unsavory marks with gusto. There are all kinds of credit reporting errors that can pop up, and something as small as a $15 charge sent to collections (thanks to a mail forwarding mistake) can lower your score by quite a bit.

Others suggest making sure your smartphone doubles as a money saving tool, perhaps by using some great apps, and always consider negotiating a lower interest rate on your debt. Collectors and companies think it’s better to get some money than none at all. Save a little money every week (even $10 adds up), and think about your purchases as how much they’ll cost for every use rather than just the upfront fees.

As you make more money, work towards desiring less. Simultaneously, keep an eye out for extra sources of income. Find out more tips, tricks and hacks now!

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30 Quick Tips to Get Better with Your Money--with John Rampton